Friday, November 27, 2009

Guide to Capoeira & Dance classes in the Pelourinho

Guide to Capoeira & Dance classes in the Pelourinho also appears on Hostel Cobreu's Blog

Salvador is the center of Capoeira Universe, and there are many legendary mestres to learn from in the city. If you'd just like to take one class to see what its all about, I would recommend #1 for Regional and #2A for Angola.

This list is far from complete, and while some schools are intentionally left out, I definitely encourage any additional info/experiences to be added as a comment below.

1) Associação de Capoeira Mestre Bimba
 Rua das Laranjeiras 01 Pelourinho
(71) 3322-0639

You can take your first capoeira or samba class at the first capoeira academy in the world.  The academy was opened by Mestre Bimba, the founder of Capoeira Regional.  Today it is run by the President of the Association, Mestre Bamba.  The group has a reputation for playing fast and merciless so get ready to learn Capoeira Regional Pura.
Classes Mon-Fri from 10am-12 and 15-18. Saturday from 10-12. 

You can pay for one hour or buy more classes for a reduced price.  You can also pay for a month of unlimited classes, and although it is one of the more expensive schools, the proceeds support any child under the povety line in Salvador to learn capoeira.

Samba is usually Mon, Wed, Thu, and Fri at 15h but it is a good idea to mark an hour in advance.
The floor has the effect of a cheese grater so if you have soft shoes, bring them. They also sell cd´s, dvd´s, pants, shirts and other cool stuff.  Some English is spoken.

If you want to see the best Capoeira show in Bahia, watch the group's roda, Tuesday and Friday nights at 20h.  R$15

2) O Forte de Santo Antônio Além do Carmo
Here sits a former prison which is now where some of the most respected mestres of Capoeira Angola have their classes. One of the most scenic points in the historic center, the fort sits at the very end  of the direito do Santo Antonio overlooking the bay. Open daily from 9am-21h.  Rodas, films, and cultural events are held at the fort which can be tracked by the above blog. Within the Fort you can find many different schools, I can only recommend the ones that I or someone I know have been to.

A) Mestre Boca Rica (a legendary Mestre, unanimously respected for his music and poetic songs)
Classes Monday through Saturday 9-11am, 14h-16h, 16h-18h, and 19h-21h. Usually taught by his son Paulinho.

B) Centro Esportivo de Capoeira Angola – CECA *AJJP
Mestre João Pequeno de Pastinha
Classes Mon, Wed, & Fri from 9am-12 and in the afternoon from 16h-21h.
Rodas Tue, Thu, and Sat 1930-2130

C) Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho – GCAP
Mestre Moraes
Classes Tuesday  Thursday, 19h-21h and Saturday 16h-18h
Roda is held on Saturday 16h-18h

3) FICA- A Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola-BA
Rua Carlos Gomez 111 Edifiçio Esther Mouro Franco 5 floor
Classes Mon, Wed, Fri from12-14h & 19-21h
Instruments class Tue & Thu 19-20h
Roda Sat 930-13h

4) Mestre Olavio´s Street Roda
Sundays around 19h
Take any bus to Santa Monica and get off at the second to last stop.
My favorite capoeira memory is with my friend Gata Brava who is an amazing capoeirista (Professora) in the states.  She took me to my first street roda which was exactly as it sounds. The entire neighborhood came out for the roda, and all levels, ages, and theories from Angola to Topazio played together. Not touristy but capoeiristas from all over are welcome, respected, and encouraged. 

"LET'S DANCE"-David Bowie

There are good dance schools and classes in the Pelo, you just have to keep up with the constantly changing class schedules.

For Afro, Samba, and Orixa's dance classes, we like FUNCEB,
rua da Oração - Pelourinho
An actual University of Dance specializing in contemporary dance and and Afro-Brasileira. Classes and workshops are on the cheaper side and free classes are offered several times a week.  They have a great breakdance/hip-hop class which is also free. It's best to pass by and glance at the bulletin board for updated schedules.

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